zondag 2 augustus 2009

Hanawa family day!

今晩は皆さん! Is everybody happy?! Well, I am! Today was host family day. Which means spending a day with your host family. In my case it is the Hanawa family; otousan, okaasan, Yoshinori-kun (bijnaam: de otaku), Naoki-kun en Mayuko-chan. They planned to go shopping with me. I know I spend money easily (ik heb een gat in mijn hand, as the dutch say), so I should look out what I buy today. Overall, that is a good way to think. But as we all know, I am in Japan. The upside down country. So I planned to buy SOME things, I ended up with buying EVERYTHING.

When I woke up, it was 11 o'clock already. The kids ran in my room, yelling: GET UP GET UP! That worked alright. I took a traditional long short shower and ate my brunch. It was midday already, so my breakfast upgraded into brunch. Played piano and froliced with the kids untill everyone was ready to go to the shopping mall.

In the car listened some Paul Gilbert and realized how much I miss my guitar... When we got there, we went into a large building with everything. I MEAN EVERYTHING! Toys, clothes, Pokemon, food, perfume, bicycles, Pokemon; everything! A sort of compilation of all stores you can think of. Took a lot of pictures there, but my host sister Mayuko-chan deleted all photos on the digital camera. So I can not show them too you. But there was this shop of Ghibli (a Japanese version of Walt Disney label, but much better in my opinion), which had all things imaginable of the Ghibli label. And Pokemon stores! And Dragonball Z stuff! I went frenzy, and bought more than I should have. There was also a fashion shop named Bruce Pee. \(^▽^@)ノ I bought gifts there for my family back in Holland (where the heck are they?).

We had ice cream (mango!) and went to another shopping mall, specialized in anime, manga, games and magazines. If there is a place where you should not take me, it is a store specialized in anime or manga or games or magazines. A store specialized in ALL these, is overkill for me and then, you have to drag me out of the place while I am yelling: NOOOOOO, LEAVE ME HERE! I DIDN'T BUY ENOUGH STUFF!! I DIDN'T BUY ENOUGH STUFF!! So yeah, okaasan lost me over 7 times in that store. At the most random moments I yelled things as: GUNDAM or FINAL FANTASY or ONE PIECE or DRAGON QUEST, sprinted to the goods and left okaasan alone. After all, I ended up buying these things:

- a Ponyo thing for my cellphone
- 3 manga for 30 yen (21 eurocents!)
- a paperholder of Dragonquest 9
- the magazine Metallion, Burn special issue featuring Mr. Big (included Paul Gilbert AAAAAAAH!)


Yeah, Paul Gilbert in tha house!

What I ALMOST bought, but didn't, 'cause it was too expensive or it wouldn't fit in my suitcase:

- a huge pluche of Tonari no Totoro
- a big ass Gundam
- Can't Laugh dvd's
- Final Fantasy Dissedia in Japanese for PSP
- a huge pluche of the Pokemon Darkrai (sorry Broeder Tuk)
- a Naruto headband (sorry Junior, maar 28 euro voor een bandana is iets te veel van het goede. Ik kijk wel in Tokyo, Akihabara)

So that was an exhausting but awesome and fun day with my host family. We laughed a lot and I saw so much things, that you can only see in the most weirdest country of the world. At the end of the day, everyone was tired. But the Hanawa family had a surprise; we were going to barbeque! As like yesterday was not enough, they spent a lot of time today preparing for the barbeque. It was so delicious! Yakitori, shrimps, crab, sashimi, pork... Too bad the volume of my stomach is limited.

Eating Yakisoba with otousan, OISHII!

It's Paul Gilbert OMG.

At least I TRY to read it. Understanding is second.

After that I tried to read some manga en my newly bought Mr. Big magazine in Japanese (Jeej!), with the help of okaasan. She just sat next to me and fully focussed on my pronounciation and kanji abilities, helping me out everytime I did not know a word, phrase or Japanese character. Awesome and so sweet!

Then the kids came with 2 huge packages with fireworks. Unlike the Netherlands, the usage and purchase of fireworks is legal during the whole year! So we created an awesome firework show with lots of smoke!

Me with fireworks, Mayuko-chan watching

What was I explaining again?

The smoke is not that bad, we can still see eachother...

Okay, I get that back. Hello?

Now I am so tired... Tomorrow I will meet the gouverneur of the Hibaraki prefecture and after that I have a half personal day. I will go to karaoke, the beach and stuff with my friends. So I have to rest... Bye bye! お休みなさい!
PS Dank u wel voor uw reactie, Radha obasan en Michi ojisan! Zijn echt leuk, ben blij dat jullie mijn blog leuk vinden. I'll keep ya updated!

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